A video of 6th graders working on the basketball data analytics unit.
A video of 6th graders “ish-ing” numbers
A 5 minute classroom film showing a 4th grade teacher using a big ideas approach
Bob the Counting Sheep and Jo Boaler divide one by two-thirds
Jo teaching a dot card number talk at our middle school summer camp
Students working together on the Squares to Stairs task
Scenes from the youcubed mathematics camp for middle school girls
A conversation between Jo Boaler and mathematician Keith Devlin about 21st-century mathematics and learning.
Two mindset-boosting songs, complete with lyrics for singing along, created for youcubed by Lauren Mayer and Curriculum Rocks!
A high achieving student reflects on his learning during youcubed summer camp
This one-minute film illustrates the need to teach maths facts through engaging, visual, and creative methods.
A one-minute clip of Jo Boaler from “The Importance of Struggle”
The new video for Week of Inspirational Math 4!
Cathy Humphreys teaches a number talk to elementary teachers in Stanford’s STEP program.
Jo’s undergraduate students work on the Pennies and Paperclips task from Discovering the Art of Mathematics: Pennies and Paperclips is […]
Two boys from youcubed summer camp reflect on mathematical freedom!
This popular 9 minute video shares four important mindset messages for students.
The students who attended youcubed summer camp describe the power of mindset math in their own words!
A video, book excerpt and math task from Jo Boaler’s 2014 visit to middle and high schools in China.
WIM 1 Day 1 Video
WIM 1 Day 2 Video
WIM 1 Day 3 Video
WIM 1 Day 4 Video
WIM 1 Day 5 Video
In this Oxford TEDx talk, Jo Boaler explains why mathematics is so traumatic for many people and shows a different way that […]
This teaches the pedagogical strategy called ‘Number Talks’ with some interesting different methods shared by Stanford students. The full online […]
This short tour shows the connected nature of math highlighting number sense, geometry, and algebra, under the big idea of […]
Professor Jo Boaler works with secondary school students in the inQbate at the University of Sussex using Inquiry Based Learning […]
A video made especially for parents and teachers on why we need the common core. It shows some great data […]
There is a math crisis in America. By middle school, two-thirds of our students will fall behind grade level in […]
Dear youcubians, I wanted to share with you the past 4 weeks of our summer math camp with students from […]
A five minute excerpt from a BBC Radio interview about the youcubed math camp.
Jo Boaler and Carol Dweck are interviewed as part of the BBC series “Mind Changers.”
Hear Jo on the public radio program “Forum” discussing new tools and techniques for learning math.
Here is the complete video of Jo’s TEDx Stanford talk on how you can be good at math and other […]
A 3 minute illustration of the concept of number sense by Professor Jo Boaler, in English and Spanish versions. […]
Kids talking about the power of mistakes and a growth mindset.
Students reflect on their learning in Jo’s class!
Students make a movie to capture their learning in our math camp.
Interview with Jo Boaler, Professor of Mathematics Education, Stanford University. SCOPE Brown Bag Speaker 2012-13.
This is a short (5 minute) clip showing new brain evidence that all students can learn math to high levels.
A secondary school in Cambridge, UK. Students, grouped heterogeneously, reflect on working in groups with their teacher.
A secondary school in Cambridge, UK. Students, grouped heterogeneously, work on NRICH cogs task in groups.
Jo explaining Complex Instruction when she was a Professor in England!
Ask students to draw their solutions. Ask them to think about how they see math. In this video, Cathy Humphreys […]
WIM 2 Day 2 Video
WIM 2 Day 3 Video
WIM 2 Day 4 Video
WIM 2 Day 5 Video
WIM 3 Day 1 Video
WIM 3 Day 2 Video
WIM 3 Day 3 Video
WIM 3 Day 4 Video
WIM 3 Day 5 Video