Short Impact Papers

Two statements about students’ mathematics education needs developed at a convening of mathematics education leaders.

A short article on the importance of a Mindset Mathematics approach, written by Jo Boaler for a UK Policy Group

Mathematical Mindsets Approach raises achievement

An article by Jo Boaler, Kristina Dance, & Jack Dieckmann

An article by Jo Boaler published by the American Mathematical Society

An article by Tanya LaMar and Jo Boaler

This paper by Jo Boaler and David Foster reviews an intervention in which student learning of mathematics increased dramatically.

An article by Jo Boaler, Tanya LaMar and Cathy Williams published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

A short paper by Jo Boaler and Steven Levitt

A paper by Jo Boaler on the youcubed summer camp, published by NCTM in “Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School”

The Impact of a Free Online Student Course

A presentation by Jo Boaler at The White House with recommendations for encouraging female participation in STEM fields.

Teaching Through Big Ideas and Connections

A Longitudinal Study of Contrasting School Mathematics Approaches and Their Impact on Adults’ Lives

In this first paper of a collection, Jo Boaler describes the teaching intervention that became our summer school algebra class

A paper by Jo with some important ideas about mathematics messages and the opening of tasks.

This short paper summarizes five research findings that address the myth that only some students can do well in math.

How a detracked mathematics approach promoted respect, responsibility, and high achievement.

Research Evidence on the Best Ways to Learn Math Facts

A new method of assessment promises to offer students a changed relationship with their learning.

The Importance of Visual Mathematics for our Brain and Learning