Inspire ALL Students with Open, Creative, Mindset Mathematics


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An Approach to Mathematics That Creates Results

Our main goal is to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on maths into accessible and practical forms.


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We offer teachers tasks and ideas to help them explain concepts to students that grow their mathematical mindsets.

Professional Development

With both online and in-person courses, we provide training to help teachers break down barriers to student success.


Explore our library of videos to help students develop growth mindsets and see maths as a creative, visual, subject.

Visual, creative, maths tasks

Explore our popular tasks below, or browse the entire library, you can choose by mathematical 
concept, and by grade.

Number Sense, Patterns + Generalizations, Shape, Space + Measures

Finding Pi

Many students in the US think of Pi as a number they should memorize, when the most important idea for students to learn is that Pi is a very cool […]

Shape, Space + Measures, Patterns + Generalizations, Number Sense

30 Cubes

This task is intended to support students building their own identity as a mathematics explorer. They will generate their own data and look for patterns within a sequence. They should […]

Number Sense, Data, Probability + Statistics, Data Science

Leo The Rabbit

Leo the Rabbit has become a youcubed favorite. It is a great problem for using creativity to illustrate and justify student thinking and it leads to rich class discussion.

Number Sense, Data Science, Data, Probability + Statistics, Shape, Space + Measures, Patterns + Generalizations

Moving with Data

In this task, students work together to create live data visualizations of a dataset about Marvel movies. Each student is given a data card that provides information about one movie, […]

Number Sense, Patterns + Generalizations, Shape, Space + Measures

Painted Cube

Students build and draw three-dimensional cubes made up of small unit cubes. Student study patterns by analyzing the number of sides painted of each unit cube, which made up the […]

Shape, Space + Measures, Patterns + Generalizations, Number Sense

36 Fences

In this task students explore changing areas and patterns of numbers. It is a low floor high ceiling task that can be used with many grade levels. The question posed […]

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Featured News

Jo Boaler and Stanford Women’s Basketball Team Up

They teamed up to help students connect their love of the game with stats.

What Helps Teachers Do Their Best Work?

Jo Boaler shares not what schools should do more of but, instead, what they should do less.

Find Joy in Numbers

Article about Math-ish with a 15 minute audio book summary read by Jo Boaler